Saturday, February 26, 2011

Social Online Gaming At Its Best in 2011!

Sirzhao "ZAG" Yang   Co- Creator of Farmville

Sizhao created a multi billion dollar game from nothing! He had no idea who was the audience at the start. He found out that having  metrics to follow  members through the game and then  testing different game characters in Farmville he could figured out  who was his audience. He found out that they are mostly females and they love to show off their achievements in Farmville   to their friends. So with that information he knew how  to engage his members and to great a strategy to grow Farmville's the amount of  unique users. 
Also what was most important to Sirhao was never to out source your Customer Service!! What do you think of Farmville?


  1. Good idea I appreciate the info.

  2. Metrics has always been important to get your audience.

  3. More executives should learn how to do it
