Saturday, February 26, 2011

Social Online Gaming At Its Best in 2011!

Sirzhao "ZAG" Yang   Co- Creator of Farmville

Sizhao created a multi billion dollar game from nothing! He had no idea who was the audience at the start. He found out that having  metrics to follow  members through the game and then  testing different game characters in Farmville he could figured out  who was his audience. He found out that they are mostly females and they love to show off their achievements in Farmville   to their friends. So with that information he knew how  to engage his members and to great a strategy to grow Farmville's the amount of  unique users. 
Also what was most important to Sirhao was never to out source your Customer Service!! What do you think of Farmville?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Guess who turned down founders stock in Apple and Intel?

Richard Riordan Honored With  the 2011 Los Angeles Ventura Ass. Life Hall Fame Award
Nobody is perfect.  Richard Riordan said at the 2011 LAVA Awards, "When you are thinking of  buying a company it is always about Management! Management!!"  We just honored Richard with the LAVA Hall of Fame  Award . We should  thank Richard for investing in many companies  like Litton Industries, Syntex, and Control Data Corporation. With his help, Southern California is a great place to live and have a good job. What do you think of Richard Riordan?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

In Good Times and Bad Times You Can Run a Profitable Business in 2011

A Video on Ultrapolis 3000.  A Destination Resort In Asia
For over twenty-two years, I have launched, managed and sold a successful media business in Los Angeles. My tactical decision was to get  into create niche markets in the television industry. I had a  profitable business for twenty-two  years. What is your secret to keeping a consistent profitable track record in your business?

By Michael Povar

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Being Organized At Spectral Communications

Organizing our Entertainment News Tapes At Spectral Communications
I always felt that to manage  accounts like ABC News, MTV NETWORKS and A&E NETWORKS effectively, you needed to be willing and able to keep meticulous records. We created custom software that was tailored to the needs of our clients. For example, our database was based on our clients requests of celebrity News Footage they needed.  The database became a tool to help us see how were doing. . How organized is your business for today's business climate?

By Michael Povar

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How I ran Account Managment at Spectral Communications

Corporate Video we did For IBM
At Spectral Communications, account management was a synonym for account penetration. Just because you have provided a marketing strategy  to one business entity within an company does not mean you job is done. Think of all the additional opportunities that may exist in that company. For example, I had IBM as a client for over 10 years. Many of the departments, divisions and subsidiaries at IBM did not know our services. Our job at Spectral was to make sure the different divisions in IBM knew what we were doing for their company. I would make phone calls to IBM vice-presidents in different divisions to tell them the latest video we did for their company. How do are  you managing  accounts in 2011?

By Michael Povar