Monday, April 4, 2011

Give back to your community! Executives in 2011 should teach this generation of Entrepreneurs in College what we learned from running companies in the past and today.

Michael Povar Does A Guest Lecture At SDSU Entrepreneurial Management Center

My belief is that is that email or texting to say thank you to your customer is not enough. Today,  entrepreneurs  need to  get on the phone and say thank you .  It is the “personal touch” of  hearing someone say Thank You! to  a client that really counts.  

I also told these entrepreneurs do not be scared to make a cold call or email  to get a potential client.  Timing is everything!!  If you have a great service or product , there will  be  client  that would   need  it.  I  told these entrepreneurs to do there homework for your  prospective client and don’t be afraid to inform  them about your service.  They might say I am glad you called!! What do you think?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Movie Theaters have the worst consumer service!

Michael Montigomery and Jeffery Katzenberg at 2011 Montigomery Confernce
 According to Katzenberg, "the movie theatre chains could learn from professional sports teams. Professional sports teams are more profitable today then ever before!  They are building  revenue streams from different customers of the team. They are building big beautiful cathedrals and have easy access to them. "They have service like crazy and high quality food." They have built there customer base and they are getting  paid for it.  The Stables Center is a great example of a great entertainment complex. . The theatre chains are playing  defense not offense   with windowing which is how long movies  are in theatres.  Everybody knows in a game that if you only play defense, you are going to lose!” "In a number of years, consumer  are going to make these decisions for these business in the future".     What do you think?

I think the tablet is the most innovative device in this Century!

Jeffery Katzenberg at the 2011 Montigomery Technology Conference

According to Katzenberg, "The tablet is more important than the jet engine and the telephone. The tablet    will be the  most powerful and have the most pronounced impact on every human being on this planet . It is going to have a huge impact  on education , science and medicine. It is going to be a miracle device". What do you think?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

In 2010 320 Southern California Companies got $2,431.1 Billion in Venture Capital. Your company can be the next one in 2011!

Robert Kibble,Dave Travers,Greg Martin, Jim Andelman, Randy Churchill
Price Waterhouse Coopers/NVCA Money Tree Report with LAVA

According to a PricewaterhouseCoopers study, in  2010 most of the Southern California venture deals were in Cleantech and capital efficient digital media deals and Life Sciences. The study also states that it looks like in  the future, the Venture Capital base of money will be downsizing. What kind of business do you want to start up?

If you are starting a new web based business in 2011, you will need strong technical competency on the founding team!

Jim Andelman, Rincon Venutures Partners
At PWC Shanking The Money Tree 2011 With LAVA

According to Jim "If you are introducing a new  web based business, the currency of a start up is learning. .It takes a really strong technical team to reimplement  measure and try new things and then measure and reimplement again.  It is easy before you launch a web based business to think you that you have a strong technical team, but  it’s hard to see if you have a great  technical team until   you actually see them do it."

In 2011 our economy needs to grow 3% per year in GDP to create new jobs in America .

Greg Martin Archer Venture Capital
PWC  2011 Shaking the Money Tree with LAVA

According to Greg Martin," the IPO Market drives the Merger & Acquisition and the  Exist strategy  for a business. With the SEC Regulations today, it is harder for companies under 400 million in revenue to go public.  Employees and investors need liquidity today to fuel the growth of the economy."  What do you think?

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Social Online Gaming At Its Best in 2011!

Sirzhao "ZAG" Yang   Co- Creator of Farmville

Sizhao created a multi billion dollar game from nothing! He had no idea who was the audience at the start. He found out that having  metrics to follow  members through the game and then  testing different game characters in Farmville he could figured out  who was his audience. He found out that they are mostly females and they love to show off their achievements in Farmville   to their friends. So with that information he knew how  to engage his members and to great a strategy to grow Farmville's the amount of  unique users. 
Also what was most important to Sirhao was never to out source your Customer Service!! What do you think of Farmville?