Sunday, March 20, 2011

Movie Theaters have the worst consumer service!

Michael Montigomery and Jeffery Katzenberg at 2011 Montigomery Confernce
 According to Katzenberg, "the movie theatre chains could learn from professional sports teams. Professional sports teams are more profitable today then ever before!  They are building  revenue streams from different customers of the team. They are building big beautiful cathedrals and have easy access to them. "They have service like crazy and high quality food." They have built there customer base and they are getting  paid for it.  The Stables Center is a great example of a great entertainment complex. . The theatre chains are playing  defense not offense   with windowing which is how long movies  are in theatres.  Everybody knows in a game that if you only play defense, you are going to lose!” "In a number of years, consumer  are going to make these decisions for these business in the future".     What do you think?


  1. The movie theaters should look at the sports teams We want better customer service and much better food.


  2. My experience in theaters as been bad. They need to get rid of the long lines.

  3. I agree! The lines are the worst part. This is a great article.

  4. i agree its too darn expensive
