Monday, April 4, 2011

Give back to your community! Executives in 2011 should teach this generation of Entrepreneurs in College what we learned from running companies in the past and today.

Michael Povar Does A Guest Lecture At SDSU Entrepreneurial Management Center

My belief is that is that email or texting to say thank you to your customer is not enough. Today,  entrepreneurs  need to  get on the phone and say thank you .  It is the “personal touch” of  hearing someone say Thank You! to  a client that really counts.  

I also told these entrepreneurs do not be scared to make a cold call or email  to get a potential client.  Timing is everything!!  If you have a great service or product , there will  be  client  that would   need  it.  I  told these entrepreneurs to do there homework for your  prospective client and don’t be afraid to inform  them about your service.  They might say I am glad you called!! What do you think?